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Located at 305 Dakota Dunes Blvd, Dakota Dunes.

Well Vision Exams

Routine well-vision exams are critical to vision and eye health. A well-vision exam is a comprehensive evaluation of your eyes and vision health that can identify eye diseases in their early stages when they're most treatable.

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Premier Well-Vision Exams in Dakota Dunes and Sioux City

We use advanced technology to measure your sight, near and far, as well as peripheral vision and depth of field. Our doctors use well-vision exams to evaluate your overall eye health. During these exams, our doctors may dilate your eyes to look for signs of eye disease or other conditions that could impair vision or health over time.

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We recommend patients undergo a comprehensive eye exam at least once a year. With annual exams, we'll be able to stay on top of your eye health easily, and any changes won’t go long without detection. As you age, regular visits and comprehensive eye exams will become even more critical. We recommend more frequent visits if you have vision or eye health problems. The same goes if you regularly wear contact lenses. More frequent exams can help ensure your corneas remain healthy. Dunes Eye Consultants recommends children have their first comprehensive eye exam by the time they're six months old. This will help identify potential problems that occur soon after birth.

The Importance of Well-Vision Exams

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Why Is It Important to Get Your Eyes Tested?

It is imperative to get your eyes checked annually to maintain the health of your eyes and vision. Eye vision exams can help catch any eye problem before it progresses, giving you the best chance to correct any issue. Your best defense against eye diseases and other conditions that can deteriorate your eyes over time is to get these exams done regularly. Many eye diseases present few detectable symptoms, affirming the importance of a professional regularly examining your eyes.

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Vision Screenings Vs. Eye Exams

Many people assume that a vision screening is the same as a comprehensive eye exam, but this is false. Although a vision screening can be described as a basic eye test to detect vision-related issues, it does not check for underlying conditions like eye diseases. It primarily serves as an indicator for determining if a patient should undergo a comprehensive eye exam. On the other hand, a comprehensive eye exam, conducted by an eye doctor, thoroughly assesses all aspects of vision-related health.

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What To Expect From a Well-Vision Exam

Whether you’ve had a dozen well-vision exams or just scheduled your first, knowing what to expect is always good. While well-vision exams can vary depending on your age and unique needs, they will most likely include the following:

  • Comprehensive Eye Health Assesment
  • Visual Acuity Test
  • Color Blindness Test
  • Cover Test
  • Eye Movement Test
  • Glaucoma Test
  • Slit-Lamp Exam

Choose Dunes Eye Consultants Today

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Our dedicated team of doctors and optical specialists works diligently to ensure your vision health is at its best. We appreciate the time you’ve set aside in your busy schedule to address your visual health with our eye doctors, and we promise to make the most of it. Optical visits with us are quick and easy, helping save you precious time during your day. When you call or visit us, our friendly front desk coordinator will guide you through the intake process or greet you with a smile. Choose us for your eye care needs. Most vision and medical insurance plans are accepted.

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